Milky Oat Tops Nerve Support

Milky Oat Tops Nerve Support
Milky oats help to soothe, strengthen, and restore your nervous system. Good during times of stress when the nervous system is weak and feeling rundown. Helps with anxiety and irritability. Helps to nourish the nervous system. Recommended to take over a long period of time. Helps with nervous system disorders such as MS and Parkinsons.
This does well when taken with adrenal support for folks with chronic fatigue and high levels of stress. I only recommend the adrenal support for short intervals about 3 months. Milky oats can however be taken over a longer period of time.
Made with organic gluten free alcohol and organic fresh milky oat tops.
Take 1-2 droppers as needed throughout the day.
2oz glass dropper bottle
Milky Oats (Avena Sativa) is an herb that I have personally used for many years. It is a nervine trophorestorative herb which means that it actual helps to feed and repair the nervous system. It is a member of the grass family and considered highly nutritive as it is rich in minerals and vitamins like calcium, silica, and magnesium. The milky oat tops are harvested when the grain has reached its milky stage (also called the green stage). You can tell this when you squeeze the green seed, and a little white sap comes out. It is at this point that you would harvest the seed heads. You have a very short window as this stage usually only last about a week. Afterwards the seed becomes hard and golden. The oats are now ripe and then get harvested for what people use and know as oatmeal. You can also save the seeds to reseed as the plant is an annual and needs to be replanted each year. The oatstraw is when the stem of the oat plant is harvested during the milky oat stage, and it is still green. This gets used in a lot of teas as it has a high mineral content. There aren’t any sustainability issues with oats, a lot of farmers use them as a cover crop.
Milky Oats are used for nervous system exhaustion. Living in a world with burnout, stress, less sleep, being overworked, dealing with sickness, and not taking care of ourselves. When you wake up in the morning and don’t feel rested, when your body feels heavy and you have low energy and weakness, when you feel the gas tank is empty, you can’t concentrate or focus. Maybe you have been traveling and are dealing with jetlag and aren’t bouncing back to your regular self. Milky oats may be just the thing you need. Some classify it as an adaptogen, but it isn’t a true adaptogen as it doesn’t give energy or stimulate which is what adaptogens do. It works by nourishing our system instead of depleting it further.
I started using milky oats many years ago because of their ability to improve nerve function. I was looking to sooth an overactive nervous system from a severe Multiple Sclerosis exacerbation. I used it primarily to help lessen the disease symptoms of numbness, tingling, vibration, and muscle weakness throughout the body. I found it extremely helpful and still use it to this day however I use it now on an as needed basis.
Milky oats can also be used for addiction and help decrease the withdrawal effects especially from nervous system stimulants like cocaine and coffee. As Sajah Popham points out that an herb will not replace willpower, however. It can be used to help with headaches, especially that of a caffeine withdrawal headache. Also, can be used for menstrual and PMS headaches. Milky oats can be used as a sexual tonic for middle aged men with impotency problems and overall libido. Does so by nourishing the nerves and the demulcent properties help to replenish a male’s reproductive system. All these things that milky oats are helpful for comes back to nourishing and supporting the nervous system.
This is a dietary supplement.
For herbal tinctures that are alcohol based you can place a small amount in a cup and put a small amount of boiling water over it, the alcohol with then evaporate leaving you with the healing properties of the tincture still just minus the alcohol.
I recommend that with all the herbal tinctures you start of small in dosing and work your way up to recommended dosage. Some people only need a small amount to notice a difference.
Disclaimer: Earthly Remedies is not responsible for any individual’s use of our products. Each person’s response to herbs may differ. Consult a qualified health care practitioner or herbalist for guidance.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.