Baby Butt Cream with Coconut Oil

Baby Butt Cream with Coconut Oil
Baby's butt cream made with coconut oil. Can be used as a diaper cream, is great on rashes, or a body cream. Very effective on eczema and for cradle cap. I have adults that use this on wounds and after surgery when the stitches have been removed as I am told it helps with healing and with the severe dry skin that starts to form.
This product is cloth diaper safe. Safe for all ages.
This product is perfect for those of you who are vegan as there is no beeswax in this product.
Made with organic coconut oil, organic shea butter, organic meadowfoam oil, organic sunflower oil,
organic arnica, organic comfrey, organic calendula, zinc oxide, essential oils of tea tree, lavender,
and clove.
Calendula is considered a vulnerary, anti-inflammatory, and astringent herb which makes it great to use for wound healing. It helps to speed up the healing process, helps with stagnation of fluid and inflammation, helps prevent infection and bacterial growth. Matthew Wood talks about how it heals from the inside out. Calendula has long been used to mend cuts, burns, bites, sprains, rashes, and sunburn. It is good for cooling and soothing the skin. It has Antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties. Sajah Popham talks about using calendula for lacerations and puncture wounds. It not only helps heal and prevent infections, but it starts the healing process from beneath and helps to supply the tissue with the lymphatic fluid that it needs. Other herbs that blend well with calendula for wound healing are St. johns’ wort and yarrow.
Please Note that all salves and creams will melt on sunny days if left in direct sunlight, in a car, near a heat source, and sometimes during shipping. If this happens you can mix them up and place them in refrigerator for a little while so they will harden back up.