Lemonbalm Tincture

Lemonbalm Tincture
Lemon-balm helps with settling stomach and calming the nervous system. Good for Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and can be use on children. Helps with stress and helps to lessen anxiety. Take 1-2 droppers every few hours as needed. Made with organic gluten free alcohol and organic lemon-balm. Safe to use with dogs as well.
2oz glass dropper bottle
Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) given its antidepressant, nervine, antiviral, and antimicrobial properties. It is extremely easy to grow. So easy, it can be considered invasive and a bit weedy so if you wanted to try growing some, I would recommend putting the lemon balm somewhere that you can let it take over. I have seen it successfully grown in containers and winter over from year to year. That is also a good way to keep it contained. Lemon balm grows to be about 2-3 feet high and has heart shaped oval leaves that are toothed and look slightly hairy. It has an amazing fresh lemon scent. It has tiny white/pinkish flowers.
I try and harvest lemon balm before it goes to flower. It can be cut at the base of the plant, and it will grow back. You can cut it 2-3 times throughout the season. I love to harvest it fresh for tincturing, but I also dry some and use it throughout the winter in teas. If drying, keep the leaves out of the sunlight because they tend to turn brown. If you can dry them on low heat in a dehydrator and check often, they will keep that beautiful green color.
I am a big fan of using lemon balm for tea. I call it happiness in a cup or a bottle (for the tincture). It can quite literally help your mood and your stress level when having a rough day almost immediately. (I think I might have to have a cup around the holidays.) I find it quite amazing because it is so mild but yet so effective. It is safe to use for kids and because the flavor is yummy I have yet to find a kid who doesn’t like it. Especially with a little bit of honey. It is great for mental stress, sleep, and upset stomachs from stress. There have been studies done using lemon balm for insomnia and anxiety with benefits because it helps increase the GABA that is available in the brain. GABA is an amino acid that helps regulate mood. There have been several clinical studies done of the positive effects of lemon balm for mood and the research has found it quite significant in increasing calmness and helping for mild depression. When combined with other herbs like passionflower for its sedative properties it is helpful for improving sleep quality to get a better night’s sleep.
Lemon balm does more than just put a smile on your face, it is good for overall health. It has antiviral and antimicrobial properties making it great for cold and flu seasons. When used as a hot tea it can help promote sweating and so it is recommended for use in bringing down fevers. It can be used to address chickenpox and shingles. It can be used after childbirth to help with the afterbirth pains. It is recommended that if you want to take lemon balm and you have any kind of thyroid condition to work with a trained herbalist. When taken in large doses it has thyroxine-inhibiting effects and can negatively affect thyroid medication.
This herb is very mild in nature.
This is a dietary supplement.
I recommend that with all the herbal tinctures you start of small in dosing and work your way up to recommended dosage. Some people only need a small amount to notice a difference.
Disclaimer: Earthly Remedies is not responsible for any individual’s use of our products. Each person’s response to herbs may differ. Consult a qualified health care practitioner or herbalist for guidance.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.